Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! January has been a gloomy snow filled icy month. We have the winter blues and are trying to make the most of our indoor time. January started off with Yia-Yia's birthday on Jan. 1st, mid January we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr Day with a peace march in downtown Columbus, late January we sadly watched the NY Jets loose the AFC championship game, and attended the kidapalooza with the Henley family. We added to our family 3 fish and 1 water frog.

Xavier, the good, the bad, and the ugly....
This month he colored a wall, himself with my makeup, and his own poop!
He drank a nice cocktail of nail polish remover!

New phrases and comments,
"I love you too!"
"The sun went down cause it was tired."
"I wanna go to Nanna's house in Utah!"
Favorite sentence, "I want chocolate milk!"

Yia-Yia's Birthday

MLK March

Momma's Make-up



Jets Game :-(


Making Cake